Welcome to Beyond Health Qld

At Beyond Health Qld, we're passionate about the health and happiness of adolescents the world over. It's our hope that this little blog will give both parents and teens some ideas on how to achieve that using natural therapies and interventions as a cornerstone of treatment.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Health Challenge at 12 O'Clock - What do I do now?

There is a wonderful Irish proverb that says "May you live a long life full of gladness and health". This sums up what most of us really want for our lives (with possibly a side helping of wealth). Yet in the modern world we are given so much rubbish disguised as "health information", its impossible to sort out what's marketing and what's fact. Then, when people are faced with a health challenge, they end up drowning in a sea of facts and figures and are no longer sure of how to start.

The very first thing to do is to remember that we are all unique. Scientists even use jargon - "biochemical individuality" - to remind themselves of that one simple fact. What that means is that there is no one right answer for every single person. This might sound like a scary proposition, but when you are faced with illness or injury and you are trying to decide what to do, the answer becomes keep looking until you find what works for you. It also means that if people won't listen when you tell them somethings wrong, just say "Next please", because there is an answer out there for you.

This puts you in the drivers seat. Want to add some nutritional advice to that doctor's script, why not? If you want to try acupuncture or homeopathy, go right ahead. Massage and herbs? Give it a whirl. Coaching and counselling? Give it a try. Commit 100% to trying the therapy for a reasonable period of time with a qualified practitioner (not your best friend and a magazine) and see what works for you.

Now it may sound like bad business practice to suggest to my clients to try and find what works for them. However, I have an ace up my sleeve. The ace is that no matter what health challenge you're faced with, good nutrition is vital to healing. AND no matter what therapy you're undergoing, nutritional support helps it to work better.

At the end of the day, my dream is of a world in which everyone is so healthy I no longer have a job! If everyone finds what works for them, then we can sit around happily and ponder another Irish proverb "Never bolt the door with a boiled carrot." Hey, they aren't all winners!

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